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[Tutorial]Howto Add Cpu Control & Stats in Settings.apk !

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As you know i have Cpu control and stats under developer options

as in my modified settings.apk and i wanna share to ya`ll howto ad


You need to know how to decompile, compile and sign an apk.


A Deoxeded Rom.


[Black and White CpuSettings + Stats]


1. Download the atachemtent witht the cpu apps

2. Decompile settings.apk

3. Go to res/values/strings.xml

add the following lines:


<string name="cpu_control">CPU Control</string>

<string name="cpu_control_summary">Manage CPU frequencies and governor</string>

<string name="cpu_stats">CPU Stats</string>

<string name="cpu_stats_summary">Monitor CPU usage</string>

<string name="cpu_setting_header">System</string>

Save it and close it

5. Now navigate to res/xml/development_prefs

add the following lines:


<PreferenceCategory android:title="@string/cpu_setting_header" android:key="cpu_setting_header">

<PreferenceScreen android:title="@string/cpu_control" android:key="cpu_control" android:summary="@string/cpu_control_summary">

<intent android:targetPackage="" android:action="android.intent.action.MAIN" android:targetClass="" />


<PreferenceScreen android:title="@string/cpu_stats" android:key="cpu_stats" android:summary="@string/cpu_stats_summary">

<intent android:targetPackage="com.bvalosek.cpuspy" android:action="android.intent.action.MAIN" android:targetClass="com.bvalosek.cpuspy.ui.HomeActivity" />



6. Save and close it

7. Recompile the settings

8. Make a flashable zip with the 2 apps

Cpusettings.apk and cpustats.apk and

your modified settings.apk

9. Flash and enjoy

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